Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the programme!

    2. How to use this platform

    1. Coaching Sessions Available

    1. About Module 1

    2. Sales Professional - Module 1 PDF Manual

    3. Section 1 - Customer Buying Cycle

    4. Section 2 - Sales Process

    5. Section 3 - Sales Funnel

    6. Section 4 - Activity Vs Performance

    7. Section 5 - Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

    8. Sales Performance Analysis (Healthcheck) - WBT

    9. Customer Buying Cycle Analysis - WBT

    1. About Module 2

    2. Sales Professional - Module 2 PDF Manual

    3. Section 1 - Sales/Communication Channels

    4. Section 2 - Logging and Recording

    5. Section 3 - Managing Enquiries

    6. Section 4 - Quality and Progression

    7. Section 5 - Progression and Gaining Commitment

    8. Section 6 - Measuring Quality

    9. Section 7 - Professional Commitment

    10. Enquiry Manager - WBT

    11. Key Sales Channels Self-Analysis - WBT

    12. Professional Communication Checklist - WBT

    13. Recorded Sales Call Critique Report - WBT

    1. About Module 3

    2. Sales Professional - Module 3 PDF Manual

    3. Qualification Quiz - Complete prior to videos

    4. Section 1 - Understanding Customer Needs Quiz Review

    5. Section 2 - Conversational Information Gathering

    6. Section 3 - Part 1 Body Language

    7. Section 3 - Part 2 Behaviour Breeds Behaviour

    8. Section 3 - Part 3 Johari's Window

    9. Section 3 - Part 4 Questioning Skills

    10. Section 3 - Part 5 Listening Skills

    11. Section 3 - Part 6 Tone

    12. Section 4 - Buying Motives

    13. Section 5 - Product Presentation

    14. Feature, Function, Value Builder - WBT

    1. About Module 4

    2. Sales Professional - Module 4 PDF Manual

    3. Section 1 - Presenting a Financial Offer

    4. Section 2 - Objection Handling

    5. Section 3 - Negotiation

About this course

  • £199.00
  • 60 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

About the Sales Professional Self-Study Programme

This programme has been designed to provide a complex series modules for automotive Sales Executives. Each module consists of review videos, downloadable manuals, optional work-based assignments and knowledge checks.

Work through each module and complete the knowledge check at the end before progressing onto the next or skip directly to the module and section you need the most. Review the content as and when you require. 

  • Who is it for?

    ASC WebCoach Sales Professional Self-study is an entirely learner-led training programme designed for both new and experienced Sales Executives in the automotive industry.

  • What is included?

    Tutorial videos, downloadable support materials, work-based assignments and optional 1-2-1 coaching, this programme is aimed at those businesses where maximum productivity and minimal time investment are paramount.

  • How will this benefit me?

    This Self-Study Programme offers a flexible approach to developing your sales teams skills without the need to take time out of the business or have to maintain a structured timetable to complete each module.

Start your self-study journey now